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Melanie Kloetzel/kloetzel&co.

kloetzel&co. is a dance theatre company committed to works that span stage, site, and screen. Begun in New York City, kloetzel&co. now makes its home in Canada, where it has grown increasingly concerned with the intersection between art-making and social and environmental justice. The company’s research projects emerge from practice-as-research methodologies and result in events, workshops and encounters in theatre spaces, alternative venues, online environments, and spaces of public assembly. kloetzel&co. is particularly dedicated to artistic collaboration and interdisciplinary practices and the company enjoys fostering creative experiments with writers, filmmakers, composers, designers, visual artists, landscape designers, and musicians in each place along its choreographic journey. Award-winning films from the company have been presented across four continents, and live presentation highlights include presentations at New York’s Movement Research at the Judson Church, Danspace, and The Flea Theatre, as well as in hotels, train stations, board rooms, parking lots and gallery spaces. kloetzel&co. is directed by Melanie Kloetzel (MFA, PhD) a performance maker, scholar and educator who has created over fifty works for the company. Kloetzel is also the co-director of the art intervention collective TRAction. Kloetzel’s publications can be found in many scholarly journals as well as in her co-edited anthology Site Dance: Choreographers and the Lure of Alternative Spaces (2009), the co-authored (Re)Positioning Site Dance: Local Acts, Global Perspectives (2019), and the co-authored Covert: A Handbook, which are currently available from University Press of Florida, Intellect, and Triarchy Press, respectively. Kloetzel is Professor of Dance at the University of Calgary.


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