
Check out these resources to learn more about the climate art community, the territories and ecozones we call home, and the ways people are organizing to protect the planet.

Climate Art resources


Native Land Digital strives to create and foster conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations, through educational resources such as our map and Territory Acknowledgement Guide.

Terrestrial Ecozones

This map outlines the boundaries of the 15 ecozones and 53 ecoprovinces of Canada. These ecological areas cover all of the areas within the coastal boundaries of Canada.


SCALE was born in the spring of 2021 when a small group of dedicated arts workers, in collaboration with Climate Emergency Unit, came together to establish a national hub at the intersection of climate and culture in Canada.

Creative Green Tools Canada

We are a coalition of arts and environmental practitioners interested in promoting environmental stewardship in the Canadian arts and culture sector, and we have done so by adapting an art and culture-specific carbon calculation tool created by the UK organization Julie’s Bicycle to the Canadian context.

Canadian Green Alliance 

The CGA was founded in 2019 by Canadian performers Julia McLellan and Tess Benger, as our response to the theatre industry’s structural lack of organized climate action. After years of having to leave our values at the door when we entered arts organizations, we started to wonder what our national theatre community would need to feel like they had the skills to embody their climate action in their artistic work.


The Centre for the Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA) provides research, training, and consultancy services related to sustainable development, in particular ecological responsibility, in the arts and culture sector.

Decolonial Toolkit for Climate Artists

The Decolonial Toolkit for Climate Artists is a straightforward document that addresses the intersection of colonialism, climate change and the arts. More specifically, the Toolkit aims to help artists consider their own cultural conditioning, confront the inseparability of colonialism and climate change, and develop a decolonial foundation for both the climate art field, and the arts sector more broadly. The Toolkit emerged from multiple sessions with TRAction’s 5-member Indigenous Advisory Council, including Chantal Stormsong Chagnon, Cole Alvis, Sandra Lamouche, Starr Muranko and Jacob Crane. Along with TRAction's co-directors, Melanie Kloetzel and Kevin Jesuino, the Toolkit received key support from the four Climate Connectors of the Climate Art Web, Flora Aldridge, Mayumi Lashbrook, Nicole Schafenacker and Jen Yakamovich. To view the document please visite :

Writing about climate art

Artists organize to offer new visions for tackling climate change

Climate policy and cultural transformation

Climate Art

Climate muse: Eco-artists hope to inspire in the face of crisis

Giving Youth a Chance to Envision a Better Future

Seven Ways To Tell The Truth About Oil

Research Projects and Cultural Organizations

Culture Montreal

Founded in 2002, Culture Montréal is an independent, non-partisan group that brings together all citizens who recognize the fundamental role of culture in the growth of the metropolis.

Energy Future Lab

We are an Alberta-based coalition of diverse innovators and leading organizations working to accelerate the transition to the energy system the future requires of us. With stakeholder insights from across the energy system, we are collaboratively developing solutions for a low-emission and socially equitable energy future.

Corporate Mapping Project

The Corporate Mapping Project is shining a bright light on the fossil fuel industry by investigating the ways corporate power is organized and exercised. The initiative is a partnership of academic and community-based researchers and advisors who share a commitment to advancing reliable knowledge that supports citizen action and transparent public policy making.

Conscient Podcast

Claude Schryer started conscient in 2020 as a personal learning journey and knowledge-sharing exercise that features conversations, newsletters, monologues and/or creations about art and the ecological crisis.

Centre for Sustainable Curating

The Centre for Sustainable Curating supports research, exhibitions, visual/digital production, and pedagogy focused on environmental and social justice. Located in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University, the CSC encourages research into waste, pollution, and climate crisis, and the development of exhibitions and artworks with low carbon footprints.

Environmental Organizations

Indigenous Climate Action

Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. We believe that Indigenous Peoples’ rights and knowledge systems are critical to developing solutions to the climate crisis and achieving climate justice.

Project Drawdown

Founded in 2014, Project Drawdown® is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the world reach “drawdown”—the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.

Climate Action Network Canada

Climate Action Network – Réseau action climat Canada is the farthest-reaching network of organizations taking action on climate and energy issues in the land currently called Canada. We work to forge connections and build consensus for transformative climate action and justice, at home and internationally.

Suzuki Foundation

We are interconnected with nature, and with each other. What we do to the planet and its living creatures, we do to ourselves.This is the fundamental truth guiding our work at the David Suzuki Foundation.Founded in 1990, the David Suzuki Foundation is a national, bilingual non-profit organization headquartered in Vancouver, with offices in Toronto and Montreal.

Climate Emergency Unit

We believe that true climate mobilization requires approaching this crisis the way we approached an earlier existential threat – the rise of fascism during the Second World War.

Stand was created to challenge corporations and governments to treat people and the environment with respect, because our lives depend on it. Born as Forest Ethics, we were founded nearly twenty years ago by a group of dedicated people who were working day in and day out to solve a big problem: What do you do when the health and foundation of communities and their environment are being undermined? Over the years, our work and our approach has evolved from a dedicated focus on forest protection to taking on some of the root causes of climate change and environmental injustice.

Council of Canadians

OUR MISSION IS TO…Bring people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for people, the planet and our democracy.

Environmental Defence

Environmental Defence is a leading Canadian environmental advocacy organization that works with government, industry and individuals to defend clean water, a safe climate and healthy communities.

350 Canada

We are part of the international movement of ordinary people standing up to the fossil fuel industry to end the age of fossil fuels. In Canada, we are committed to pushing our elected leaders to take real climate leadership by freezing the tar sands expansion and investing in bold, transformative change in line with a made-in-Canada Green New Deal. We do this by working with local frontline groups and organizations to fight for climate justice.

Greenpeace Canada

Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. Around the globe, we are standing up with communities, and we are holding governments and corporations accountable. Whether on the streets or at the ballot box, we hold the real power when we work together.

Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is Canada’s only charity dedicated to the protection of public land, freshwater and ocean with a strong national and regional presence across the country. Working in a way that respects the sovereignty and leadership of Indigenous nations, we are focused on conserving nature to respond to the dual crises of accelerated biodiversity loss and climate change.

Ecojustice Canada

Ecojustice acts on the simple idea that effective laws can protect the planet and hold those in power to account. As Canada’s largest environmental law charity, we help people like you take governments and polluters to court; expose illegal practices; and shape new laws to meet the urgency of the climate and ecological crises.

Alberta Ecotrust

Through shared values, coordinated action and relentless collaboration, Alberta Ecotrust unleashes a collective responsibility to secure a healthier society and natural environment.
That’s why we collaborate with a cross-section of engaged Albertans from industry, government, and the nonprofit and charitable sector, harnessing our province’s entrepreneurial spirit, and focusing it on the issues that matter most.

Calgary Climate Hub

The Calgary Climate Hub is a volunteer-led, non-profit organization that unites a diverse group of Calgarians committed to working together to support meaningful local action on climate change. We represent a variety of communities, industries, cultures and causes. We believe that a broad and diverse range of Calgarians and organizations need to be engaged on the climate crisis to develop impactful solutions that fit our unique political and economic circumstances.

Environmental Youth Alliance

Latest Events + Opportunities

Tar Sands Songbook – Trans Mountain Pipeline Tour

TAR SANDS SONGBOOK Written, composed, and performed by Tanya Kalmanovitch Join us for a special

Dreaming Climate Consciousness

Communities Taking Climate Action: Leading Courageously

Learn to Unlearn: New Eco Production Models in (Future) Theatre

On October 27th and 28th, in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade

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