Climate Art Web

Gathering the climate artists of Northern Turtle Island

The Climate Art Web (CAW-WAC) is a place of exchange for artists living in northern Turtle Island (Canada) who are concerned with and committed to addressing climate issues.

A grassroots network, CAW-WAC supports the sharing of resources, knowledge, and best practices within and beyond the climate art community.

Climate Art Web

Gathering the climate artists of Northern Turtle Island

Latest Events + Opportunities

Tar Sands Songbook – Trans Mountain Pipeline Tour

TAR SANDS SONGBOOK Written, composed, and performed by Tanya Kalmanovitch Join us for a special

Dreaming Climate Consciousness

Communities Taking Climate Action: Leading Courageously

Learn to Unlearn: New Eco Production Models in (Future) Theatre

On October 27th and 28th, in cooperation with the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade

Climate Art Map

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Mapping Notes

Mapping practices have a long history of being a means and a method of maintaining coloniality. With the Climate Art Map, we have aimed to view land not in terms of provincial or nation-state borders that were crafted via colonial dictates, but rather in relation to both native land(s) and ecozones. It is also important to note that while we are pleased to be able to show a dataset relationship between artists and their placement on a map, the land upon which each artist sits is not a mere dataset. Behind each dataset there exists rich natural and cultural realities that inform our lives sensorially, socially, culturally, ecologically and economically – realities which are increasingly in upheaval due to the impacts of climate change.
Kelly Andres is a research based artist of settler origin. She has produced installations, performances and sensorial experiences that blend cosmologies and ecologies. Andres recently completed a practice based Ph.D in Fine Arts at Concordia
Omineca’s mandate is “a safe space for creativity to flourish” and our Mission Statement is “Omineca Arts Centre will create space and opportunity for innovative, multidisciplinary, collaborative, and marginalized art forms within the Omineca region.”

Meet the team

The Climate Art Web is based on a mycorrhizal network model. Grounded by the knowledge and experience of working with Indigenous advisors, the network connects individual artists across northern Turtle Island in order to share and transfer ‘nutrients’ in the form of resources, events, best practices, and opportunities. CAW-WAC’s Community Connectors help cultivate the development of the network, and they encourage relationships to form with the assistance of the Climate Art Map. The TRAction organizing committee provides support for the network in the form of research, visioning and administration.

Discover climate art resources


Native Land Digital strives to create and foster conversations about the history of colonialism, Indigenous ways of knowing, and settler-Indigenous relations, through educational resources such as our map and Territory Acknowledgement Guide.

Terrestrial Ecozones

This map outlines the boundaries of the 15 ecozones and 53 ecoprovinces of Canada. These ecological areas cover all of the areas within the coastal boundaries of Canada.


SCALE was born in the spring of 2021 when a small group of dedicated arts workers, in collaboration with Climate Emergency Unit, came together to establish a national hub at the intersection of climate and culture in Canada.


The Centre for the Sustainable Practice in the Arts (CSPA) provides research, training, and consultancy services related to sustainable development, in particular ecological responsibility, in the arts and culture sector.

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