Thimbleberry Magazine

Thimbleberry Magazine is a publication devoted to arts and culture in Northern BC.

Thimbleberry Magazine celebrates Northern BC art and culture, including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art, and cultural commentary. It will publish original creative work and feature regular columnists who will document the cultural life of Northern BC. Thimbleberry is committed to serving all of Northern BC’s regions, reflecting the cultural life of the place, whether it be urban or rural, mountain or coast, settler or indigenous, celebrating its energy and angst.

Thimbleberry publishes short fiction, creative non-fiction, cultural commentary, poetry, literary and art reviews, as well as photographic portfolios. Thimbleberry only considers previously unpublished material. Thimbleberry is committed to representing Northern BC’s diversity, so welcomes previously under-represented writer/artist groups and communities; writer/artists who are First Nations, BIPOC, LGBTQ2S, disabled, and women are encouraged to submit work.

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