Category: Prairies

Marie LeBlanc

Marie LeBlanc is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist. Through photography, multimedia projection, short film, performance and wordsmithing she explores themes related to landscape, isolation, beauty, health and nature. Capturing faces, shapes, shadows and reflections with digital and on-camera effects, often superimposing her own reflection, she seeks to embrace the present moment and the ethereal world around her.

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TRAction person in trees


TRAction is a dynamic collective of interdisciplinary artists who actively and publicly address issues of climate justice.

Although the projects are primarily facilitated and organized by Melanie Kloetzel and Kevin Jesuino, TRAction expands and contracts to include other interested allies, professionals, scientists, volunteers and artists who work at the intersection of art-making and climate change. Using diverse methods of artistic creation, TRAction addresses complex environmental issues and advocates for climate justice for all humans and species.

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Remy Bernier

Remy Bernier started a new life in 2006. This was the result of a terrible event that would change his life forever: Remy had suffered a stroke. Prior to his accident, he was thriving as an aspiring mountain guide. Now, the right hemisphere of Remy’s body is paralyzed, and his coordination, speech and vision have been affected. He will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He continues to raise the bar in everything he does and has no plans to stop!

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Leslea Kroll

Leslea Kroll’s play Swallow featured two characters: sisters Jules and Karly, climate migrants and keepers of a tailings pond.

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This Singing Land kanikamot askiy

The Saskatchewan prairies are filled with light and spirit and life. This Singing Land, kanikamot askiy invites you to explore this inspiring landscape in the company of some of the province’s most accomplished writers. Think of it as a “literary field guide” to the plants, insects, birds and animals of the northern plains.

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Doro Buch

My name is Doro Buch, I’m a visual artist living and have been working in Calgary since 2012. Originally a social scientist, I blend my art with my interest in our society and the relationship between our built and natural environment. Since 2019, I am increasingly working on community engagement art projects: I value them as a great opportunity to bring people together, open dialog and inspire reflection.

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Jennifer Ireland

Jennifer Ireland is a research based, multi-medium artist, working to question with wonder; ways of knowing and ways of being in land. Ireland strives to make work that is mindful of situation, site, context, and access. This ethic is found in her work through materials and methods which are often light, sustainable and provisional. Ireland’s practice ranges from drawing, photography, video, and sculpture, to site-sensitive installation and performance. Each of their works strives to operate as speculative wayfinding in this Anthropocenic time.

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