Category: Boreal Shield

Yolanda Weeks

Yo is an installation artist, community arts facilitator, and art director out of Montréal/Tiohtià:ke. Rooted in land and fiber arts, she forages, sources and needle felts natural materials into large scale creations. Yo’s Nomadic Nest installation and performance series contemplates constructs and concepts of home, territory, security, migration, and movement. The act of cocooning herself and others in these giant nest-like ephemeral creations aims to comfort, confront and ultimately connect its inhabitants to a deeper sense of belonging (to the land, to themselves, to the world outside the warmth of these deciduous homes). These unique pieces and immersive experiences serve as a reminder to her and others to tread lightly on the land.

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Brian Burke (Heritage Works)

Bell Island artist, Brian Burke is a man who believes that necessity really is the mother of invention. When he needed a carving done and couldn’t afford to pay to get it done, he tried his hand at carving, and he was hooked. He has always seen waste and pollution as a condition of a spoiled society and would like to do all that he can to fix that. In the process he hopes to educate people on what they can do better. Through his artistic endeavours, Burke is taking post-consumer waste products like plastic, wood, cardboard, glass, and steel and turning them all into beautiful artworks. In his depiction of two drillers working in the former iron ore mines of his home of Bell Island, NL, Brian took over 1000 old plastic shopping bags, some pieces of 100 year old mine timber and created something wonderful with 40 kids from the Wabana Boys & Girls Club. He had the kids help him cut the bags and position the appropriate pieces in the appropriate positions and ended up with a fantastic mural that they gave away to the Newfoundland Club in Cambridge, Ontario in appreciation for helping numerous Bell Island groups since the mines closed in 1966.

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Sarah Joy Stoker

Deeply preoccupied by and committed to ecological health and justice, I am a settler living and working in art and movement practice. With the utmost respect and gratitude, and deep sadness for what has come before and continues today, honouring the land, water, sky and animals of the unceded ancestral homeland of the Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit territories on this, Ktaqmkuk (Newfoundland, and Labrador).

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ee portal

In 2011, ee portal (Elyse & Emilio Portal) initiated their collaboration with the multidisciplinary work, advanced life support unit, at the University of Victoria. As part of the installation the duo deconstructed the space, removing the gallery door to project shadow, a video that documents the movements of a woman (and friend) who was told she would never move her body again after a severe spinal cord injury. In the face of great adversity, she slowly regained access to her body through a movement therapy based on physics and somatic studies, called Feldenkrais. Founder, Moshe Feldenkrais said, “We move according to our perceived self-image.”

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Elyse Portal

In the midst of the 6th Mass Extinction, I take my lead from other-than-humans, usually in the form of urban ecologies, plants and stones. There is some kind of magnetic feeling that draws me towards these beings. I sit and listen. I try to offer them something. My art shares perceptions and feelings of these exchanges, as a kind of antidote to separation.

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