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François Michaud

François Michaud combines sculpture, painting and installation to create artworks that focus on environmental issus arising from man’s interaction with nature. In his works, the animal is a caricature of our emotions, aspirations and ambitions, he becomes an iconic and anthropomorphic allegory of who we are, and the manufactured objects (chair, boat, etc) symbolically represent man’s presence. His pictorial and sculptural approaches have evolved with his environmental concerns related to climate change. His narrative representations raise questions with a poetic and tragic touch of derision and delusion. Michaud often paints animals in a red boat, symbolizing climate refugees, nomads in search of new territories or transporting their habitat to a better world; the red boat sailing in troubled water on rising seas.

François Michaud is invited to an artist residency in France from May 12 to June 22, 2022 to create a 130 m2 mural painting on the theme of climate change in a chapel adjoining Baudouvin’s remarkable garden in La-Valette-du-Var, France.

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